The Corona virus has come in like a wrecking ball, demolishing almost everything in its path. From personal lives to the business world, nothing and nobody across the globe has been able to dodge its swing. It has devastated the already fragile economy, and has forced business owners to make very tough decisions, specifically regarding closing their doors or integrating to a remote working environment solution.
To the benefit of some, the government has begun implementing lockdown levels in an attempt to phase the re-opening of the economy while simultaneously trying to stop the spread; but the reality remains that the virus is still present and will be for the foreseeable future. Therefore, it begs the question: “Is it not more beneficial to embrace the new future of the remote working business world?”
By now, business owners have managed to weigh up the pros and cons, consider all variables, and make educated guesses to ease their decision-making. Although there are many teething issues that accompany the implementation of remote working, and despite it being a learn-as-you-go process, there is light at the end of the tunnel.
Contrary to our initial doubts and concerns, our efforts have been (and still are) paying off. Not only do we have a massively impressive success story of our current international campaign soaring beyond expectations and producing excellent results, but the real success lies with the people. Everybody within the business has come on board and are committed to ensuring that we continue to produce top quality service as usual, regardless of the surrounding circumstances.
It is an on-going process to fully perfect all aspects of successful home working, but having such a dedicated and effective team pulling together is a breath of fresh air. There is no easy quick fix, especially if remote working would never have been a consideration in “normal life”, but closing our doors will never be an option.
Part of adapting to the “new” world of business, specifically for those businesses who do not have the means or resources to continue work as usual from home, is seeing the benefits in outsourcing services to a third party organization. During these unprecedented circumstances, and because of all the uncertainty, it would make sense to form a collaborative with a company who already has a rising success rate, specifically regarding remote working; thus benefiting both parties, and ensuring the continuation of productivity on both sides.
Our challenges are by no means over. We are still learning and adapting, finding what works and what doesn’t; but our commitment, dedication, quality of service and success rate (past and present, local and international) is a clear indication of our capabilities and is not an opportunity to be missed by companies looking to outsource.
Embrace the change. Stop the spread.